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Re: [oc] opencores status

Damjan Lampret wrote:

> > For the GUN C compiler, how is it current status? Is GDB available? For the
> > OCRP board, what debugging mechanism is in it?
> >
> No particular debugging machanism. GDB is sort of under development. Johan
> Rydberg was working on it but it looks like version in the CVS is broken. GCC
> and Binutils are more or less ready. Just recently RTEMS guys had sucessful
> build also on Cygwin and these tools are used to start with RTEMS port. Actually
> RTEMS port is underway. Glibc is almost ready.

I'm currently implementing a CPU description that will be used with CGEN
[1] to
generate a simulator, aswell as updated versions of the
I have right now implemented all insn-semantics and are working in insn

 [1] http://sources.redhat.com/cgen/

Johan Rydberg			[email protected]
Net Insight AB, Sweden		direct: +46-8-685 04 17
http://www.netinsight.net	phone:  +46-8-685 04 00
				fax:    +46-8-685 04 20