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[oc] Federal Linux Users Training Conference - Wash D.C. - 30 Oct - Nominations for Awards Will be Open till 15 Oct

Please pass this to your managers involved with server operating systems and 
the LINUX operating environment !

      First Annual Federal GNU and Linux Users' Conference
      And Awards Presentation

      "New Enterprise Solutions Through Linux"

      October 30, 2000

      Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
      1300 Pennsylvania Avenue
      Washington D.C.
      Atrium Ballroom
      Corporate Sponsors:

        Aronson, Fetridge, & Weigle 
        DLT Solutions
        Marlaw Systems Technologies 
        VisionCreek Enterprises 

      Event Sponsors:

        Washington Technology Newspaper 
        Government Computer News (GCN) 
        INPUT Government 
        DC Linux Users' Group 
        Enterprise Linux Magazine 

      To view summaries of our most recently received award nominations, go to 
our web site at www.marketaccess.org
      Purpose of Conference:

      Twenty-six percent (26%) of federal installations have reported use of 
      Linux operating system in their organization, as reported by IDC.  IDC 
      also estimates that "most of the government's sophisticated, back-office 
      computers will be running Linux by 2002."  Just when agencies are turning 
      to enterprise-wide solutions and mainframe class applications, the Linux 
      operating system offers a new and exciting alternative.

      This will be a one-day conference that will present agency plans and 
      strategies for deploying new and innovative Linux applications.
      The conference will focus on those Linux applications that are in the 
      early or test bed stage AND will likely evolve into enterprise-level 

      Six (6) PDAs will be given away at the event.  The way to enter is to 
      "bring a buddy".  For every two people that pre-register together, two 
      tickets will be entered for them.  Please identify your "buddy" when you 
      register/pay in advance of the event.  "Buddy" registrations will close 
      hours prior to the event.
      Points of Contact:
        For technical support with this web site, please contact Mr. Parrish 
        Knight, 301/652-2018 
        For information on exhibitor arrangements, please contact Ms. Danielle 
        Ortiz, 301/652-8797 
        For general information about this event, please contact Ms. Colleen 
        Harbison, 301/652-0810 
        For information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact Ms. Janelle 
        Boroday, 301/652-6158 
      Who Should Attend: 
        Government technical managers 
        Agency executives 
        Program managers 
        Agency e-commerce planners 
        Companies with Linux related products and services 
        Government executives responsible for enterprise applications 
        Linux users/developers 
      What Attendees Will Learn:
        Where and how Linux is being used 
        New plans for enterprise applications 
        Innovative ideas and strategies 
        New opportunities for Linux products and services 
        Agency plans for new and innovative enterprise applications 
        Best practices and lessons learned 
        Clustering strategies 
      Recognizing Technical Achievement:

      Also at this conference, awards will be presented to those government 
      organizations or government-contractor teams that have taken a technology 
      leadership role in developing innovative Linux Applications for federal 
      government applications.  If you have a Linux project that you'd like to 
      submit for award consideration, you can review the submission guidelines 
      at our web site at www.marketaccess.org

      FLASH!  Due to many requests from government and industry teams who are 
      completing their nominations, the deadline for nominations has been 
      extended to October 15th.
        Keynote speakers from Industry and Government 
        LTC Thomas D. Coffman, Product Manager, One Semi-Automated Forces  (OneSAF)
        Marc Torres, Vice President and CTO, ATIPA: "Linux in the Enterprise" 
        Stephen Gaudet & Graham Candler: "Linux Beowulf Computing" 

          Industry -- Future Directions 
          Government -- Case Studies (four) 
        Innovating Applications: Enterprise -- Industry & Government 
        Presentation of Awards 
        Future Requirements -- New Agency Program Initiatives.  Presentation 
        agency executives on plans for future mission critical acquisitions 
        involving Linux. 
        Panel: Open Systems Software at DoD:  Key Issues and Successful 
        The panel will discuss the issues relating to open software in the 
        Department of Defense and share a successful Linux implementation which 
        demonstrates the value and cost savings of open systems.  Panelists will 
        be from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Mitre, and the Army 
        CECOM.  Panel Chair:  Mr. Mark Norton Office of the Secretary of Defense 
        Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (C3ISR&S)
      ...names of further speakers and their organizations to be announced.
      Government training forms and credit cards accepted.

      The registration fee for this important training conference is: 
      Government Credit Card or Check in Advance:  $295.00
      Government Training Forms/Invoice:  $345.00
      Industry and Federal Contractors, Payment in Advance:  $595
      Industry and Federal Contractors/Invoice: $645 
      Special Note:  $50 discount to all DC Linux Users' Group members. 
      Conference Registration Options
      [1] Phone: 301-652-0810 and speak with Ms. Colleen Harbison.
      [2] Email: [email protected]
      [3] Register online: Use our online booking form to register and pay by 
      credit card electronically.
      [4] Fax: registration form to 301-652-0914.
      [5] Mail: registration form to:

         Market*Access International, Inc.
         5454 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 810
         Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
      Registration form requires Acrobat Reader.

      For general information on this conference, call Colleen Harbison at 
      301-652-0810 or email at [email protected].  For information on 
      sponsorship opportunities, please see our sponsorship information page. 
      For information on submitting nominations for awards, please contact Don 
      Dickson either by email or by phone at 301-455-5633.
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            (301) 279-7704



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to companies selling IT products and services to the federal government.