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Re: [oc] Question about core licensing


Please try to check the OHGPL located at

although the activity of fixing a license is not
colsed yet, but I think it is the most suitable
license for opensource commercial use. 

The reason why we did not close this issue because
there are lot of different requirments by different

We also need some comments and feedbacks from
commercial companies which we still did not get any.

Please let me know your comments on the license

Regarding the IP selection, I know that it is so
important but I currently do not have the time to work
on it, more over I need some partners to help me with
this part

Jamil Khatib

--- Steve Wilson <[email protected]> wrote:
> I work for an ASIC design company, and in that
> capacity I have recently
> been in the market for IP cores. One of the issues
> that stopped me from
> looking at opencores.org was one of licensing. 
> From your web site: "Currently it is responsibility
> of OpenIPCore
> project to define design methodologies suitable for
> open source hardware
> projects and licenses that would be more suitable
> than GNU GPL or GNU
> LGPL." 
> My first question: Have you defined that license? 
> The problem I would have as a commercial entity with
> GPL is it would
> seem that I would need to reveal the rest of the IP
> in my chip if I
> created an ASIC using an "open" core. I would
> imagine that a verilog
> gate level netlist is very much like a linked
> program? Since I'm in the
> business of designing IP for customers that the
> customer owns after I'm
> done, this becomes an issue.  Do I mis-understand
> something here?  
> Is it part of your mission to provide everyone use
> of your cores
> including commercial users?
> Lastly, I would suggest that when/if you folks
> figure out the licensing
> issue make a prominent place on your web page.
> Certainly that was one of
> the first things I was looking for...though I like
> the selection of IP
> you folks are working on as well.
> Steve Wilson

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