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[oc] Please put FREE INFO as the subject.

This is an EXCELLENT and UNIQUE gift idea for yourself or loved one!

There is not ANYONE out there that would not benefit from this service. There 
already over ONE MILLION satisfied customers! This is an INCREDIBLY EASY and
INEXPENSIVE service. Do yourself a favor and ask for the free information on 
service at the bottom of this page. I am very confident that you will be glad 
you did. You
will only be contacted once. So take advantage of this INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY!

What have you forgotten lately?

 There is nothing worse than forgetting something. Unfortunately, time passes 
by whether
we are ready or not. In today's busy world most of us are so caught up in our 
daily routine
that it is extremely easy to forget things.
 For example; have you ever forgotten someone's birthday, your own 
anniversary, or other
special event and felt really bad about it? Or how about an important 
deadline that ended
up costing you in late fees. I know some people say that they have a calendar 
or a day
planner to help them remember special dates, but that doesn't always work for 
 # 1. They have to remember to write things down in the first place, and if 
they did, then
they would have to constantly refer back to it.
 # 2. Once all your occasions are written down, calendars and day planners 
eventually go
out of date and everything that you have written down has to be written over 
and over
every week, month, or year.
 # 3. Not everyone looks at calendars or day planners everyday.

That is why this company was created!

Why not just write things down once and let us do the reminding for you!

Daily, Monthly, or Annually we can send an unlimited amount of reminder post 
for anything you want to be reminded of "FOR A LIFETIME " in the mail to you 
for one
extremely low price!  With no charges to make any changes or annual fees "FOR 
LIFETIME!" We also have a large selection of specialty gift packages to 
choose from! 
 When you go to check your mailbox everyday you could be reminded of 
something that
you would have probably forgotten in the first place. Why not have the piece 
of mind of
knowing that you have one less thing to do in your busy life. You could have 
a service
yourself or give one as a gift that will last for a lifetime and pay for 
itself over and over
again for a one time fee of less than a day planner. 

For FREE INFORMATION email us at:  [email protected] 

Thank you for your time and remember, 
Don't Forget,   WE CAN REMIND YOU !!!

If you would like to be removed, please email us back with the word "Remove" in the subject line. We apologize for any inconvenience.