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Re: [oc] Suggestion
on 12/11/00 16:22, Jose Landivar at [email protected] wrote:
>> <pre>Hello all,
>> I have a suggestion for a core. I'd like to see a 8bit/10bit encoder and
>> decoder to be used for transmission over high speed lines to maintain DC
>> balance on the transmission line.
>> Let me know what you think. I have done it before but I guess my company
>> ownes the design since I did it for them. I would have to reimplemented
>> in some other way or something. By the way, can somebody explain the
>> legal stuff since I imagine that many of the people involved in
>> opencores.org must work full time for some company.. am I right?
It all depends on what you signed. Some companies will have you sing a
Non-competitive agreement, where they prohibit you to do the exactly same
thing you did for them for another company. This usually lasts for 5 years.
In most US states (specially California) this is illegal, but you will have
to go to court to fight it.
>> Thanks,
>> Jose' L.
>> </pre>