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Re: [oc] Wishbus Bus

yes I agree with that specially if we are going to
implement some bridges.
If I get time after completing the HDLC controller I
like to work on AMBA-Wishbus bridge if no one is
already working on it

As far as I know that both buses are free, is that

Jamil Khatib
--- Damjan Lampret <[email protected]> wrote:
> Perhaps it might be good also to involve Silicore in
> Wishbone related
> discussion. They've defined Wishbone and have the
> most experience of using it.
> regards,
> Damjan
> > We may need to make an additional requirement to
> the Wishbone spec or
> > perhaps Silicore is already working on it.
> > 
> > I was working on a simple testbench and here's the
> problem I think I found.
> > A master device has to know what the bus width of
> the slave device is for
> > the transfer to work correctly. Suppose we have a
> 32-bit PCI to Wishbone
> > device and it has to transfer data to 32-bit  and
> an 8-bit devices. The PCI
> > core has to change how the data is presented on
> the bus to match the data
> > width of the slave devices. That means the PCI
> core has to contain logic
> > specific to the application which hurts reuse.
> > 
> > One solution is to fix the data widths to 32-bits
> for all cores.
> > 
> > Any comments?
> > 
> > Did I miss something in the spec?
> > 
> > WW
> > 
> > 
> > 

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