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Re: [oc] I'd be happy to participate and answer WISHBONE relatedquestions.

Hi there is a link to the Motorola interfaces at
OpenIPCore site at

Jamil Khatib

--- "Wade D. Peterson" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello Rudi:
> To the best of my knowledge nobody has done any good
> research on SoC bus market
> share.  My feeling is that these buses are just too
> new to get any good data.
> For example, both CoreConnect and WISHBONE were
> released on the same day in June
> of '99 at the DAC show in New Orleans.  That's only
> about a year and a half ago,
> and it takes some time to develop infrastructure and
> design wins.
> In fact, we're pretty clueless about WISHBONE market
> share ourselves.  We
> provide all of the materials free from our website,
> so there's no good way to
> track usage or individual users.  However, I can
> tell you for sure that: (a)
> both we and our clients are using the bus, (b) we
> routinely field questions from
> people who are using or evaluating the technology
> (including companies like
> Erickson and Siemens) and (c) on the average we
> deliver 3-5 copies of the
> WISHBONE spec from our website everyday (30-40 when
> there are newsgroup
> discussions and so forth).
> We haven't done any direct comparisons between these
> buses ourselves. However,
> we have compiled a list of all the SoC buses that
> we're aware of at:
> http://www.silicore.net/uCbusum.htm.
> Here are some things that I suggest you include on
> your comparisons:
> 1) Licensing arrangements.  Even though some
> companies don't charge for their
> technology, they do make you sign a license
> agreement.  For example, we looked
> at one of the companies on your list, and they had a
> license agreement that
> stated that they could revoke our license at
> anytime, for (apparently) any
> reason.  That was too much for us to accept, so we
> dropped the deal.  If we had
> ever decided to compete with that company's own
> cores, then they probably would
> have dropped us like a hot potato.  Too risky!
> 2) Choice of interconnection architecture.  If you
> follow the traditional
> microcomputer bus industry, you'll find that the
> hottest technologies right now
> are the crossbar switches.  We believe the same
> thing is happening in SoC.  We
> arranged the 'zippers' in WISHBONE so an IP core can
> be used in a traditional
> Von Neumann (like AMBA or CoreConnect), data flow
> (FIFO), or crossbar switch
> architecture.  This gives the system integrator a
> lot more flexibility.
> 3) Ease of use.  I know this is somewhat subjective
> for your comparison, but
> we've seen some good results from people who have
> used WISHBONE for the first
> time.  For example, an engineer at one of our very
> good clients just did a
> remarkable WISHBONE SoC on an FPGA.  He is an analog
> designer with limited FPGA
> experience.  However, he just completed a design
> with 2 WISHBONE masters and 8
> slaves.  He wrote all of his system components using
> AHDL (we had never done
> that before), and fully tested everything as a
> system.  To me this was
> vindication that both WISHBONE and SoC can be
> simple.  I'm also tickled that he
> did his design using low cost tools on a desktop PC.
>  Pretty cool.
> Hope this helps!
> Best regards,
> Wade D. Peterson
> Silicore Corporation
> 6310 Butterworth Lane
> Corcoran, MN  USA  55340
> TEL: (763) 478-3567, FAX: (763) 478-3568
> URL: www.silicore.net  E-MAIL: [email protected]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Rudolf Usselmann <[email protected]>
> To: <[email protected]>
> Cc: Wade D. Peterson <[email protected]>
> Sent: Monday, January 01, 2001 8:02 AM
> Subject: Re: [oc] I'd be happy to participate and
> answer WISHBONE
> relatedquestions.
> >
> > Hi Wade !
> >
> > I'm writing up a comparison document at the moment
> for SoC busses. We have
> > chosen AMBA, CoreConnect and Wishbone as our
> favorites. Now I am trying to
> > do a final analysis of all three busses and will
> post it soon to the
> > discussion group.
> >
> > Information that seems really hard to come by is
> marketing type of stuff.
> > Do you have any data as to market share of these
> busses ? Which & how many
> > companies (besides the craetors ARM, IBM,
> Silicore) are using them ?
> >
> > Also, any direct comparison you might have I'd be
> willing to take a look
> > at, even though I have already created my own
> comprehensive list (and
> > opinions :*).
> >
> > Cheers !
> > rudi
> >
> >
> > on 1/1/01 18:46, Wade D. Peterson at
> [email protected] wrote:
> >
> > > Hello all...
> > >
> > > I just became aware that there is a discussion
> going on about WISHBONE on
> this
> > > reflector.  I understand that this group is
> evaluating WISHBONE as a SoC
> > > interconnect, and thought I'd jump in with my
> two-cents worth.  Since I did
> > > most
> > > of the work on the spec, I thought I'd make
> myself available for questions
> and
> > > so forth.  However, I must apologize in advance
> if I'm not on target right
> > > away,
> > > as I haven't been following this thread until
> now.
> > >
> > > By the way - there is a Revision B WISHBONE spec
> in the works (it's about
> half
> > > done).  Right now, these are the things that
> will be changing:
> > >
> > > (1) Incorporate technical feedback from users,
> including: (a) additional
> > > about WISHBONE DATASHEET (supported cycles, bus
> widths and clock speed
> > > requirements); (b) clear up questions about
> acknowledge timing.  (2) Add a
> > > comprehensive index in the back.  (3) Change
> name from 'WISHBONE
> > > Interconnection
> > > Architecture For Portable IP Cores' to 'WISHBONE
> System-On-Chip (SoC)
> > > Interconnection Architecture for Portable IP
> Cores'.  (4) Add 'WISHBONE
> > > COMPATIBLE' logo.  (5) Standardize printing and
> covers. (6) Correct
> > > typographical errors, change standard font to
> Times New Roman 12 pt, change
> > > 'WISHBONE' to all capital letters.  (7) Change
> steward address.  (8) Add
> > > appendcies with application notes.  (9) Move the
> glossary to chapter 1.
> > >
> > > My plan is to have this done over the next week
> or two.  However,  if there
> > > are
> > > comments or suggestions for this group, then I'd
> be happy to incorporate
> them
> > > in
> > > the next spec.
> > >
> > > Best regards,
> > >
> > > Wade D. Peterson
> > > Silicore Corporation
> > > 6310 Butterworth Lane
> > > Corcoran, MN  USA  55340
> > > TEL: (763) 478-3567, FAX: (763) 478-3568
=== message truncated ===

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