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Re: [oc] Wishbone historical perspective and a proposal to the OpenCores group

I have a question about interfacing cores via WISHBONE
1. how can I connect systems having different clocks,
shull I assume always the same clock and implement
FIFO buffers inside each core or is it the
responsibility of the system integrator?
2. How can I connect some status signals to the other
core where these signals are core specific signals and
has no relation to bus transactions (crc reporting, or
lost cell indication) such signals can be made
available to the external interface via core internal
status registers but if I am working on a cominication
controller I need to have two buses one for status and
one for data which makes it very difficult to
synchronize between both buses.


--- "Wade D. Peterson" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello Rudi et al.:
> I took a look at your SoC bus review, and found it
> most interesting.  I think
> you're narrowing in on a solution.  In order to
> address the rest of your
> concerns about WISHBONE, it might be a good idea to
> give you some
> background/motivation for this thing.  In fact, let
> me describe how it came
> about, and end it up with a proposal to the
> opencores group.  I apologize in
> advance for this long email, but you might find it
> interesting.
> WISHBONE Background/motivation
> ------------------------------
> My entire career path (since '84) has been tied to
> microcomputer bus
> industry in one way, shape or form.  I've designed a
> lot of boards and chips for
> microcomputer buses and related standards.  I wrote
> a book called The VMEbus
> Handbook which is now in it's fourth edition, and
> present a regular seminar with
> VITA called UNDERSTANDING VME64 in the US, Canada
> and Europe.  I also work with
> VITA (the VMEbus Standards organization) as a
> consultant, and have done quite a
> bit of intellectual property work (patent research,
> expert witness work, etc.)
> for the VMEbus Standards Organization.
> In fact, in my opinion intellectual property
> problems (especially patents) are
> now the #1 obstacle to open standards.  For example,
> VMEbus was created as (and
> still is) an open standard.  However, at last count
> we found *805* US patents
> relating to VMEbus technology.  Compact PCI is
> newer, but is showing the same
> trend.  If past behavior in the microcomputer bus
> industry is any indication of
> future behavior, then the prevailing SoC bus will
> have the same problems.
> Currently, there is a window of opportunity to
> create an open SoC bus that will:
> (a) be free from patent problems and (b) garner wide
> industry support.
> In 1998 we (Silicore) began working on IP cores.  It
> soon became evident that we
> needed a document that explained to customers how to
> connect our cores to their
> cores.  At that point I had a couple of large IP
> core projects under my belt, so
> I took it upon myself to marry 15 years of
> microcomputer bus experience with my
> IP core experience.  The resulting document was
> called WISHBONE, Rev A
> (preliminary).
> In June 1999 we were showing at the DAC conference
> in New Orleans, and publicly
> released WISHBONE.  On the same day (at the same
> show) IBM released CoreConnect.
> We were, of course, very disappointed that they did
> that, as IBM got a lot more
> press
> than we did ;-).  However, at the same knew that we
> were on the right track.  In
> fact,
> we think we did a better job than IBM did.
> The next month we brought WISHBONE to the VMEbus
> Standards Organization meeting
> in Vancouver, B.C.  That organization is operated by
> VITA (www.vita.com), who is
> an ANSI approved standards developer.  It seemed
> like a good fit because VITA's
> charter is to promote open, microcomputer bus
> standards.  They've also done the
> best job in the industry at protecting their open
> standards from intellectual
> property problems by providing a variety of legal
> defenses.  VITA also has
> infrastructure in place as an ANSI standards
> developer.  This is important
> because disputes in their standards development can
> be resolved quickly
> (standards are as much political documents as they
> are technical).  There are
> also some other important things that they bring to
> the table, such as how to
> avoid U.S. anti-trust problems and how to avoid
> liability problems.
> By the way - the WISHBONE standard is written in a
> style that is almost
> identical to the VMEbus IEEE 1014, IEC 821 and
> ANSI/VITA-1 standards.  That's
> where the RULES, RECOMMENDATIONS and so forth come
> from in the WISHBONE
> standard.
> Anyway, that group was suitably impressed with the
> technical aspects of
> WISHBONE, but so far we haven't been able to garner
> sufficient support to
> continue with a standards effort.  I think the basic
> problem is that the
> 'traditional'
> microcomputer bus people are pretty mystified at the
> concept of a SoC bus.
> These are people and companies who make their money
> by selling atoms - not bits.
> SoC buses don't have connectors, so the connector
> people weren't interested.
> SoC buses don't ship as boards, so the board people
> weren't interested.  Ray
> Alderman (the executive director at VITA) is very
> interested in a SoC bus, as I
> believe that he shares our common vision of the
> future.  However, VITA isn't
> proceeding because their constituency isn't
> demanding it.
> This is where WISHBONE is today.  Silicore is
> currently using WISHBONE, and has
> committed to develop more products using the
> interface.  For example, right now
> we are developing a set of VMEbus bridge products. 
> Actually, we've found the
> document very useful for internal purposes.  For
> example, we can hand a project
> to an engineer and tell him/her to design a core to
> cycle.  At that point the engineer has a document to
> work from.  The same thing
> happens with our clients - they just pick the
> features they want out of the
> standard, and we make them an IP core.  We don't
> spend as much time noodling out
> IP core interfaces anymore.
> -------------------------------
> I propose the following to the OpenCores group:
> 1) Silicore would put the copyright for all WISHBONE
> related materials into the
> public domain.  This would include the spec, website
> FAQ, ap notes and other
> materials.
> 2) I would make final corrections to the spec, and
> publish it as 'REV B
> (preliminary)'.
> 3) The OpenCores group would take over the
> stewardship for the standard.  This
> would allow the group to make changes to WISHBONE as
> they see fit.  [I am
> assuming that OpenCores has some kind voting system
> to make changes to things].
> 5) Silicore would join OpenCores to garner voting
> rights.
> 6) I would make myself available in a WISHBONE
> technical consultant or
> leadership role.
> As always - questions, comments and suggestions are
> welcome.
> Best regards,
> Wade D. Peterson
> Silicore Corporation
> 6310 Butterworth Lane
> Corcoran, MN  USA  55340
> TEL: (763) 478-3567, FAX: (763) 478-3568
> URL: www.silicore.net  E-MAIL: [email protected]

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