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RE: [oc] VHDL code for Bluetooth module
--- John Dalton <[email protected]> wrote:
> Does a patent violation occur when you *design*
> a system, or when you *build* a system?
yes I think you are right but still I have to check
> I always thought the idea of a patent system
> was to encourage design and innovation.
> The theory being that without a patent system
> everyone keeps their secrets close to their
> chest, slowing the rate of innovation. With a
> patent system information gets shared speeding
> the pace of innovation. Using this reasoning,
> I would think it is always okay to use info
> in patents to design things, the only problem
> being once you build something and compete with
> the patent holder.
> Of course patent holders will always tell you
> you're not allowed to design, but is this the
> reality?
> Of course I am not a lawyer. Can any lawyers
> out there confirm or deny this line of reasoning?
> Regards
> John
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