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Re: [oc] Re:
On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Alan Grimes wrote:
> Ionut HRISTODORESCU wrote:
> > My idea is to build a Java processor. Please tell me what do you
> > think about this.
> SUN and IBM came out with a professional one... It didn't catch on...
> Please by all means see if you can track it down... maybe it would be a
> good project for us to try to build a working system with it! =)
AFAIK, SUN Microsystems has a certain web page where some projects
developed in Verilog are available. One of this is PicoJava
Processor. Unfortunately I don't have the exact address anymore, but if
you search the entire microelectronics section of the Sun website, in the
community-license subsection probably you can find the PicoJava Verilog
IMHO, it's easier for me to send the 11 megabyte package by e-mail for
anyone who is interested than to discover the exact web address. But it's
not a ready-made processor description, because it's not a synthesizable
If anyone is interested in converting this model into a synthesizable one,
please count on me, but I would prefer to use VHDL (I can understand
Verilog, but I am not used to it).
Greetings from Brazil!
Marco Antonio