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Re: [oc] Re: i2c opencore

You can generate pdfs in few different ways:

1.) Print file to postscript. Then use Adobe distiller.
2.) Use Adobe Acrobat and print directly from your editor (selecting adobe
as a printer)
3.) Generate pdf from the Adobe webpage (costa $9.99 per month)

-----Izvorno sporo�ilo-----
Od: Richard Herveille <[email protected]>
Za: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Kp: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Datum: 2. februar 2001 9:56
Zadeva: [oc] Re: i2c opencore

>Hi Matt,
>Having both a VHDL and Verilog description of cores is certainly a good
>I have no experience with Verilog, so if you are willing to do the
>conversion, please go ahead. Concerning block diagrams etc, well hmm I
>have to write the specs and documentation for the core. But they should be
>available soon now, if someone can tell met how to generate PDF files :)
>> Mr. Herveille,
>> I am interested in porting the i2c core on
>> opencores.org, for which you are listed as maintainer,
>> to verilog.  First, may i have your permission to work
>> on the port?  Second, do you have any additional
>> materials such as block diagrams or anything else that
>> would help me understand the functionality of the code?
>> Thanks,
>> Matt Luce