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Re: [oc] where can i find the sample verilog core about reed-solomoncodec??

Hi Alan,

There are many RS code sources you can find. I'm forget the URL I get
source for my design, try to search in the searching engine like
searchalot.com or else. 
If you still have trouble ... you can contact Mr. Lior Shtram from
Flextronics here <[email protected]>. He has a lot of
experience with this kind of cores (Reed Solomon). Hope that he still


On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, [big5] ������-EE wrote:

> Dear sirs?
>   I am a university student in taiwan, i have a course related to error correction code, i have been assign to do something about reed -solomon codec in verilog language, but i don't know how to find some material about it, may u show me a road to achieve my goal??
>                                        sincerely urs
> Alan Chen
> Lab   : 886-03-5715131-4107
> Mobil: 886-0921881186