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Re: [oc] serial UART in cadence

ok.  so i should be able to do straight simulation in vhdl with out doing an
i've never done that in cadence.  my vhdl experience is limited to xilinx for
no one else around here really has experience in vhdl in cadence either.
are there online resources/tutorials or can you give me some quick tips?
i'm at the bottom of the learning curve right now.  looks like a wall.  :-)
    thanks again-

Guoqing Zhang wrote:

> well. for "import verilog(Vhdl)  " in cadence. you need a std library for
> mapping your hdl netlist to cadeence schematic. for example. your should
> have a nand2 symbol in your cadence map_lib to map a nand2 gate which in hdl
> netlist.if you don't have the std lib, all modules(like nand2) in hdl
> netlist will map to a functional cellview in cadence library.
> ps. hdl netlist should be in gate level.
> actually I don't understand why you need to import vhdl to create schematic.
> you can do simulation from prompt.
> good luck
> Guoqing Zhang
> >From: Eric Thompson <[email protected]>
> >Reply-To: [email protected]
> >To: [email protected]
> >Subject: [oc] serial UART in cadence
> >Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 16:56:57 -0500
> >
> >hi-
> >     I would like to try to do a simulation of the serial UART leading to
> >interfacing it with some other open cores for a class project on
> >core-based design.
> >     I do not have access to modelSim which i see the UART was originally
> >simulated with.  I do have access to cadence.  Does anyone know what it
> >would take to import this uart in cadence?  If i do "import vhdl" now it
> >complains that there is no std library.
> >is it named something different in cadence?  i have basic, analog, and a
> >bunch of others.
> >i'm rusty on vhdl so any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks.
> >This project would also lead to at least my contributing to any cores we
> >use if possible.  The other students may also contribute as the project
> >moves ahead.
> >             thanks-
> >                 eric thompson
> >
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