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Re: [oc] WISHBONE DMA/Bridge
John , Thanks !
That's exactly what I was looking for !
Two comments below ...
on 3/21/01 21:40, John Dalton at [email protected] wrote:
> Hi Rudi,
> I have just finished reading the WISHBONE DMA/Bridge IP Core
> documentation.
> As I read the document, I put together a list of errata, and
> suggested changes. I hope it is of use. Please take it
> as constructive criticism. It's fairly long, but I hope I don't
> pontificate too much.
> Thanks for putting the effort into writing decent documentation.
> I really do think decent documentation is as important as HDL.
> Best wishes
> John
> Extra Comments
> The document does not define many of the terms that it uses.
> For example, DMA, IP and so on. Is this document supposed to
> stand alone? If so, should it give a brief background on DMA?
> I will now answer my own question and say no it shouldn't.
> Nothing seems more silly to me than having to wade through
> pages of distracting "standard" information (acronym definitions,
> disclaimers and so on) to get to the core of a document.
I think my target audience, are engineers, who are looking for
a DMA IP core. So I presume that they know the basic terms.
If you think I'm using "non-standard" terms please point them
out !
> Perhaps opencores should have a glossary and set of tutorials
> on common topics, as stand alone documents? Rudi's document could
> then simply have a reference section at the back, where he points
> the reader towards additional information, which an experienced
> reader would find distracting.
We would have to find somebody who is willing to write that.
So how about it John ? ;*)
> Would it be possible to place the source for the documentation in
> the CVS repository, and release it under the free documentation
> license? (see http://www.gnu.org for details of this license)
> That way someone contributing an updated design can also
> contribute updated documentation.
I'm not sure how it works placing the source of it in to public
domain. I'm using a commercial program that is not to common in
personal use (FrameMaker).
Of course the documentation is "free" no copyright no nothing !
Did you notice the small blurb I placed in my source code ?
May be I should do similar on the doc ?
John, how about a review of my USB spec as well ? ;*)
Cheers !