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Re: [oc] new project proposal

On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Oo.et.oO wrote:

> i think the original poster....
> sorry i don't have that mail here.
> was talking about a euro only standard?

AFAIK, I don't think so. When I worked with 802.11 (not 802.11b) the bit
rate was 4Mbps at maximum, and so the entire band was not used.

> 802.11 would be more useful to most of us.  but it's very complex
> although... the hardware isn't soooo complex.  most of the link manager 
> stuff is in software i believe... but i don't remember.

The link manager is in the software that runs over the MAC. And the
hardware isn't too complex. The only problem is the microwave circuit, and
of course the power consumption (bad for notebooks).

It would be a good idea to develop this MAC and its software as an


Marco Antonio Simon Dal Poz           "Dal Poz Motorsport!"
[email protected]           http://www.lsi.usp.br/~mdalpoz