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Re: [oc] IEEE 1394 core

Hi Nicolas,

I am the owner of the company HDL Design House offering ASIC design and design verification
services. Please do visit our web site (www.hdl-dh.com) for more information.

We have IP core projects and we are developing IEEE 1394a IP core, link layer.

Are you interested for more info?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Predrag Markovic

Predrag Markovic         phone/fax: +381 (0)11 439 549
President          email: [email protected] or [email protected]
HDL Design House   http://www.hdl-dh.com
Hadzi-Djerina 23/2
Beograd, Yugoslavia

Nicolas Pinault wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm interested in IEEE 1394a link layer core. I use a Texas Instrument Link
> layer in one new design. But I'd like to incorporate it in my FPGA. The
> problem is, I don't have enought time to do this alone.
> Regards
> Nicolas Pinault
> --
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