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[oc] VGA/LCD Core gate count estimate?

I am new to VHDL ( I don't know what I am doing yet, just learning), so this
is something I should be able to figure out on my own once I understand

Any idea how much of a Xilinx Spartin II FPGA 100K or 150K this (VGA/LCD Core)
would use?  This core is quite interesting to me and I would like to propose changes to
a product line based on putting the LCD controller inside the system FPGA.
In addition I only need 8 bit color and up to 800 x 600 resolution.  This would reduce
the gate count and the internal ram needed for buffers.

This would interface with a Motorola Coldfire processor.

I am working on gaining a basic knowledge of VHDL thru Xilinx Foundation software
and compiling this core into the Spartin II family.  I am stumbling with a couple problems,
the embedded ram needs to be changed to take advantage on their specific resources.  The
core also chokes on a for statement not supported error.

Any help would be appreciated!

[email protected]

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