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Re: [oc] new project...MP3 (audio) core?

Hi Rob !

First off all welcome to the group !

Regarding the MP3 core: We had this discussion a while back, and
I guess the discouraging thing was that the base algorithm of MP3
is patented (or was it copyrighted ?). So even if you build a free
hardware decoder, the person implementing it would have to pay

The alternative would be to use one of the free compression algorithms.
I heard that some are even better than mp3. There was one that was
developed by one of these "free" organizations, I always forget it's

Cheers !

on 7/18/01 11:32, Dautel, Rob at [email protected] wrote:
> Hi all,
> I didn't see anything in the archive about this so here goes...
> I would like to get feedback on building an MP3 (audio layer) core. Any
> interest?
> I've been working on this on my own for a while, mostly info gathering, and
> looking over GPL and other free software code. Basically, it would be a
> complete hardware based decoder (and later an encoder) with no software
> overhead, possibly some microcode in the en/decoder itself, I'm not sure
> yet, but none other than initial setup for the host processor to do.
> The project would be Verilog based and could even support Wishbone. I'll
> send out a URL pointing to more info once I get the last of the block
> diagrams worked out. In the meantime, any feedback would be welcome.
> thanks,
> -rob.

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