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Re: [oc] Configuration Bit Stream Generators
On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, you wrote:
> At 09:51 AM 7/22/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> > Are there any opensource configuration bitstream generators
> > for FPGAs from Xilinx, Atmel, etc?
> Why you need the opensource generator ? I understand it, if you want to go to
> the Linux platform.
Yes :-(
I work using Emacs + Verilog-Mode + Icarus Verilog. All of them are open source
tools running on GNU/Linux.
Icarus Verilog generates the XNF file (I work with Xilinx) and therefore, I
must change to MS-Windows to obtain the bistream :-((
> But if you want just some free generator, it is included in the Xilinx WebPack
> which is available free of charge from their Web.
> BTW, I doubt that there will be any opensource generator, because Xilinx is
> using the proprietary format as a method for securing the Intellectual
> Property. It means that nobody should be able to reverse engineer the FPGA
> structure from bitstream, which can be easily captured between the PROM and
> Best regards
> PavelK
> --
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Juan José "Peco" San Martín
Microbótica, S.L
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