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RE: [oc] bidirection pin on acex 1k30 from Altera


I am a newcomer to the opencores arena.  I hope I'm not out of line here,

It appears the work being done here has great potential, and is being worked
on my some very great minds.

I'd like to repeat the response give recently by Andy.

"I think we should stick to the goals of this mailing-list,
whatever that means.

So, I believe that this sort of questions should be addressed
to comp.lang.vhdl, comp.lang.verilog or another similar
usenet group. Let us focus on the running projects or in finding
new projects."

Let's not clutter up the boards with topics that should be addressed

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Haensse [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 9:40 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: [oc] bidirection pin on acex 1k30 from Altera

Hi folks,

how can I implement a bidirectional port in vhdl. I try a inout declaration
the ioports. When the ports should be used as an input I use
gpioport <= 'z';

using a ACEX 1k30 altera device I get an error that the compiler can't put
pin into tristate.
Do I have to declare the same pin as input as well as output, just using
in a process:
if gpiodirection='1' then
	gpioport_out <= 'z';
end if;
currentinput <=gpioport_in;

Does anybody has a simple example

thank you 

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