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Re: [oc] How to check in the new structure of cores easily?
----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 7:01 PM
Subject: [oc] How to check in the new structure of cores easily?
> Hello, everyone.
> I've modified the directory structure to the structure agreed.
> I have two questions:
> 1. What to do with directories that I don't use (like /rtl/vhdl, if I
write in
> verilog)?
I'd say that directories should be there, even if they are empty (for
example rtl/vhdl in your case).
> 2. How do I easily incorporate the changes in the OpenCores CVS
Assuming you already have a core checked-in, you are working on a local
working copy (this means that you already checked out your core from the CVS
and now you are using it to do development) and you just need to commit your
- if you have added new directories/files, first do 'cvs add' command
- use 'cvs commit' to actually add new files/directories as well as commit
changes in files that are already in the cvs
If you don't have your core in the CVS repository, do this:
- first import your core into the cvs ('cvs important' command)
- second checkout your core from the cvs and use it as a working copy for
further development (use 'cvs checkout' command)
- from now you can follow instructions that are above for adding changes
back to the CVS repository
A couple of hits:
- if somebody else works on your core and commits changes to the CVS, you
need to do local update to get his chnages into your working copy (use 'cvs
update' command)
- use -z9 to compress cvs communication between your host and CVS server
(e.g. 'cvs -z9 co uart16550')
- most commands have abbreviations and lots of optional parameters that you
might want to check out
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