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Re: [oc] Strange mailing list behaviour

Hi John,

I also received notification about your unsubscribe request on Aug 15th. In
fact I was quite surprised but figured that you might have gone to change
your email address or something. Message below looks pretty standard (I get
them several a day as people subscribe or unsubscribe). So now the only
question is who and how sent your unsubscribe request to majordomo - one
possibility is that software for automatic removal of dead emails has a bug
and it removed you accidently. Miha, can you please check if this is the
I doubt that anyone hijacked your email in order to send unsubscribe request
and later confirmation (obviusly the hard part is to send confirmation).


Message that I received from majordomo on aug 15th:
Received: (from majordom@localhost)
 by iza.mr2.si (8.9.1/8.9.1) id KAA14528;
 Wed, 15 Aug 2001 10:02:26 +0200
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 10:02:26 +0200
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
X-Authentication-Warning: iza.mr2.si: majordom set sender to
[email protected] using -f
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: UNSUBSCRIBE cores [email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected]


[email protected] has unsubscribed from cores.
No action is required on your part.

----- Original Message -----
From: John William Dalton <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 6:47 AM
Subject: [oc] Strange mailing list behaviour

> Last Wednesday, I received the following
> message from [email protected]
> # >>>> unsubscribe cores [email protected]
> # Succeeded.
> The message arrived at 15 Aug 2001 08:02:33 GMT
> This seemed quite strange, as I was not
> aware of sending an unsubscribe request
> I waited for a while, and I was indeed
> unsubscribed, as e-mails from cores stopped.
> Has anyone else had a similar thing happen
> to them?
> Some explanations I can think of (in order
> of decreasing probability) are:
> 1) The unsubscription was somehow
> triggered by the last message I sent
> to cores:
> # Slashdot is reporting that
> # AMD are discontinuing some
> # of their embedded processors
> # (486, 586, K6).
> #
> # Perhaps a chance for an opencore
> # to fill a niche?
> sent at Wed, 15 Aug 2001 00:38:39 local
> time (14 Aug 2001 014:38:39 GMT)
> 2) I have gone senile, and forgotten
> about an unsubscribe request I sent.
> (The men in white coats are coming now.)
> 3) There is a bug in majordomo, which caused
> an unsubscribe.
> 4) There has been a breach of security, and
> someone is sending unauthorised majordomo
> commands.
> >From my end, I have resubscribed, but I figured
> I should make people aware of the possibility
> of misconfiguration, bugs or security breaches.
> (I'm sure I didn't request to be unsubscribed!)
> Regards
> John
> --
> To unsubscribe from cores mailing list please visit

To unsubscribe from cores mailing list please visit http://www.opencores.org/mailinglists.shtml