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Re: [oc] New project proposal

Hi Andras,

I know some of us are already toying with an indea to create a small
computer SoC, for example for handheld applications (lets say a PDA). But
instead of starting a project we are all busy finishing all the pieces
(read: cores). Maybe it is time to start such integration project. Probably
we would have to define specification for such handheld platform.

Right now I'm working with some others to put Linux (at this stage uClinux)
on OpenRISC 1200 and integrate some peripheral cores (uart, ethernet, usb,
vga etc).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andras Tantos" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 9:17 PM
Subject: [oc] New project proposal

> Dear All,
> I've thumbed through the projects of the OpenCores community and an idea
> popped into my mind I would like to share with you: it seems that nearly
> the components are ready or almost ready for a complete SoC computer
> implementation. I though maybe it time to start integrating our cores into
> real application.
> I though of a single-chip computer (something like Dragon-Ball from
> or Maverick from Crystal) that can be used in hand-held devices,
> set-top-boxes, maybe in thin-clients. It should be able to run Linux and
> thus giving an end-to-end open solution. I know it's a big task but I
> it's worth tring. And as I said, nearly all components are ready.
> If you also thing it's worth thinking about I would share my ideas in
> with you and maybe start-up a project for this.
> Or maybe there is already something like this is going on only I missed it
> on the site? What do you think?
> Best regards,
> Andras Tantos
> --
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