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Re: [oc] CRC calculation.
Blue Beaver:
Can u please elaborate what u says:
" I suggest a wide calculation followed by
transferring the partial CRC to a smaller CRC function, where you
calculate the effect of the bytes which don't fill up the larget block. "
Thanks & Rgds.....
llbutcher wrote:
> Naveena:
> I made a CRC checker which I stored in misc/crc32_lib.v
> There is nothing original in there. I mostly tried to see if
> there was a way to break up the calculation so that it had
> a minimum number of logic levels.
> I wonder how fast you need to calculate your CRC.
> If you have a slow serial link, a bit-at-a-time calculation seems best.
> If you need a faster one, I suggest a wide calculation followed by
> transfering the partial CRC to a smaller CRC function, where you
> calculate the effect of the bytes which don't fill up the larget block.
> I think that a 64 bit version, or at worst a 128 bit version, should
> be able to keep up with a 10 GBit connection in a fast FPGA.
> Blue Beaver
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: [email protected]
> Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 14:06:19 +0200
> Subject: [oc] CRC calculation.
> 2.si Sat Sep 29 14:06:22 2001
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> Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 14:06:19 +0200
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> Subject: [oc] CRC calculation.
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> hi Allan,
> In our logic, input data to hdlc is variable. My internal input buffer is
> 128bit,bcose for 128bit processing.output of this is i am send it to CRC
> calculator. so i want to do crc calculation for 128bit data, this data is
> again variable from 1byte to 16byte.how can i do the crc for this.
> Thanks & Rgds...
> -Naveena P.
> --
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Naveena Padmaraju
Sr. Engineer VLSI/SYSTEM Design
Wipro Technologies
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