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[oc] Re: Application for membership of Opencores (regarding firewire)
Welcome on board, Matthias.
I am sure your experience will be invaluable to the FireWire project. A
specification outline is available on the firewire webpage. I am finishing
up the specification at the momoment. Hopefully I can release the first
draft in a couple of weeks. We can then identify the tasks that need to be
done and have each team member be responsible for several tasks.
If anybody is interested in the project and would like to make a
contribution, please let me know.
----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 9:11 AM
Subject: Application for membership of Opencores (regarding firewire)
> Ladies and Gentlemen.
> I want to apply for a membership of your organisation. I am a student
> of Microsystems Technology in the 8th semester at the University Of
> Applied Sciences in Furtwangen, Germany (Black Forrest). I already
> worked in a company that produces ASICs for 6 month. I developed a
> GPIO-module (General Purpose Input/Output) for an ASIC. There I used
> tools like Modelsim, Synopsys (Design Analyzer etc.) and Cadence-
> Tools. We also have the same tools at our University.
> I want to sum up the experiences I gained:
> - HDL coding in VHDL (GPIO and smaller modules)
> - Simulation of modules (Modelsim and C++)
> - Basics for Gate-Level simulation
> - Synthesis (no layout!) with Synopsys
> - MemBIST insertion with VisionLogic tools
> - Xilinx Foundation environment for synthesis on FPGAs
> I know that I am still a Newbee, but I want you to support your
> projects as much as I can. I like the idea of free IP because it helps
> to fasten the development of brilliant ideas in silicon.
> I would like to work in the FireWire-project. I tried to do develop a
> link layer for a computer keyboard/mouse. So I already started with
> collection informations about it. That is, why I also found your page.
> I hope that there is a need for me and I also hope that I may work
> with your group.
> I'm looking forward to your answer.
> Sincerely,
> Matthias Walther (student from Furtwangen, Germany)
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