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Re: [oc] Memory model consolidation (Behavioral?)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam Gladstone" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: [oc] Memory model consolidation (Behavioral?)
> Ok, the code is changed and ready for import into the misc project tree.
> I have a question though. What is the best way to preserve the information
> (entries, log)
> about the file.
> I think we should have Miha copy the tpram verilog file from the Open Risc
> tree
> into a file named "generic_tpram.v" in the /misc tree. I have done this
> before and it
> is pretty safe.
> I can "update" to get the new file in the misc tree, merge the changes in
> and commit it back
> with the next version and comments.
File can be copied within cvs treee like you suggested. But more normal
approach is to simply checkout this file and add it under misc (or common -
misc and common are aliases anyway). All log entries will be preserved.
> This would preserve all of the data and keep the entries going.
> Take a look at the code as well, my verification philisophy is generate
> and z's for
> any case that should not explicitly have valid data. This way there will
> never be a case
> of invalid data being mistakenly used which would fail in the real world
> chip.
Where did you put the file?
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