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[oc] Re: Opencores Design Guidelines

Hi Richard,

I'm very sorry but I have never received any email from you. If I would, I'd
reply for sure and include your suggestions and corrections. Can you please
send me your email again. Thanks.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Herveille" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: "Damjan Lampret" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2001 12:57 PM
Subject: Opencores Design Guidelines

> Hi Damjan,
> I spend a lot of time and effort reviewing/rewriting the guidelines. I
> send you my proposed changes and bug fixes on October 23rd (word
> However in the latest release you did not include any of my changes, nor
> did you reply to my email. I was just wondering if you are still going to
> include my changes and bug fixes, or if my work was in vain.
> The current release of the guidelines contains a lot of serious errors
> which I reported before you updated the guidelines on the net, but which
> you completely ignored. Please don't expect me to write code confirming
> buggy guidelines, and I hope others won't either.
> Richard

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