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Re: [oc] MP3 Encoder?

Hi folks,

we are looking for a mp3 engine for our openhardware project. We use a 
68vz328 running with 33MHz that is too slow to decode mp3 stuff with usuable 
sound quality. At the moment we will use decoder from www.vlsi.fi but with 
the onboard acex 1k50 featuring some kind of data engine it might be cool to 
implement the mp3 decoder (the 68vz328 may pump data from the ethernet or 
build in ide disk). We use linux as OS. Check www.dragonix.net


Am Dienstag, 13. November 2001 23.55 schrieben Sie:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dautel, Rob" <[email protected]>
> To: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 6:52 PM
> Subject: RE: [oc] MP3 Encoder?
> > Hi Paul,
> >
> > This subject comes up every so often. The trouble with MP3 are the
> patents.
> > Decoders are free, but you get charged (or sued?) for encoder royalties.
> > I believe there is an MPEG 1/2 hardware, 1/2 CPU project going. Would
> > that
> be
> > you Damjan? We've also talked a bit about doing a small data flow engine
> Right now there isn't any web page yet. But for the juicy stuff go to the
> CVS http://www.opencores.org/cgi-bin/cvsget.cgi/or1k/mp3 (typing this url
> from the back of my mind)
> If you have no idea what all that stuff is, wait a few days so that I put
> together a web page how to build the software and how to
> synthesize/implement the hw part. Whole thing runs on Xess XSV board.
> regards,
> Damjan


Daniel Haensse
Dipl. Ing. ETH
Klinik fuer Neonatologie
UniversitaetsSpital Zuerich
Frauenklinikstr. 10
8091 Zuerich
Tel: ++41 / 1 / 255 5342
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