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Re: [oc] New Spartan II Development Board Coming Out - The best IMHO
Tony Burch design looks great.
For those interested in something open source. I have finished a small FPGA
board and put the design up on www.openh.org. The project is called
Its built around the SPARTAN-II 144 pin device and includes the following
extras on a
PC104 sized board.
SRAM upto 512Kx8
Flash upto 1Mbytex8
VGA connector with 64 colors
small uC reset controller
SMD clock
Serial port with RX,TX CTS and RTS
Stereo output connector (for those single bit DACS)
Some LEDS and switches
16 pin header for an extension board.
I am busy on the next revision of the board to try and cut the costs a bit
i.e. drop the Xilinx PROM for a CPLD accessing the system flash, SDRAM
instead of SRAM. If anyone has any other ideas please let me know.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul McFeeters" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: [oc] New Spartan II Development Board Coming Out - The best IMHO
> Hi,
> just had email from Tony Burch about the new version of his new B5
> development board.
> You may already know about his existing B3 board
> (http://www.burched.com.au/bedspartan2.html)
> which IMHO is the best Spartan II development/evaluation board around. The
> email was
> to inform me that there is a new version coming out, there are some
> preliminary details at
> http://www.howell1964.freeserve.co.uk/logic/burched/fpga_devkit_b5.htm. A
> complete
> XC2S200-PQ208CES development board (with parallel port programming lead)
> USD $120.
> If anybody can beat that I'd be very surprised, there doesn't seem to be
> prices on
> the new board yet but I don't expect it to change much. Even the value
> option
> http://www.burched.com.au/b3supervaluepack.html is only USD $230 for
> everything (minus PC
> power module) which is cheaper than most other FPGA boards. Judging what I
> can from the
> picture on the website it appears he will still be using the PQ208 II thus
> keeping the
> 132 I/O pin limit (accessible via 0.1" IDC headers).
> The new board is priced at USD $149 which is great value IMHO. I'm
> two of the new
> ones for myself as soon as they are available which the webpage says is
> Friday
> (16th November 2001).
> Paul McFeeters
> --
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