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Re: [oc] 8051 VHDL models search
Hello Alex,
I beleeved that you had already found the sources in Hamburg WEB site. Sorry !
I send you an attached zip with the sources of Mayer's 8051 VHDL code.
This is a behavioural VHDL architecture, but it follows 8051's true 12 cycles clock. Other models I
know don't.
After compiling package and removing a non synthetisable statement FILE, the source compiles
without errors with Xilinx's dev pack. It remains only warnings for non synthetisable constructs
like impure functions, etc.
This is a work of eliminating all simulation specific constructs.
There is a possible problem with undefined instruction E5H wich executes a NULL in Mayer's code.
For synthesis it is
necessary to do an incrementation of PC. So, I have mixed this instruction with NOP in the main
CASE. With a genuine
8051, this code executes also a carry set. Other MCS51 members treat E5H as a NOP. I follow this
We are working on a structural/data flow mix of architectures for the 8051 core. This is a
student's project sheduled for
february 2002. I work on 8051's ALU implementation following ideas found in the book of Andr�
Syst�mes num�riques cabl�s et microprogramm�s, Presses Polytechniques Romandes (a Swiss book).
This is a good book. It exists perhaps in English. You may found equivalent ones directly in
English (consult catalog of
Kluwer Academic Press, they edit excellent books on VHDL and logic synthesis).
Good work and best regards,
[email protected] a �crit :
> Hi JM.
> Do you still remember me? I have download those source code
> according to your information provide. Thank for your help!! :-)
> Regarding your question, I think there are only those open source
> code in internet. Those others are need to buy/pay for their source
> code. If you are interesting on it, you may go and look as URL shown
> below:
> http://www.dcd.pl/english/ipcores.htm
> http://www.design-reuse.com/EXCHANGER/cast_8051.html
> Hope it will help for you there. :-)
> Recently I been study the whole source code. Could you send me
> the synthesizable VHDL comportemental model of Dr. Mayer to me since
> it got to remove a lot of unsynthesizable VHDL code, and I'm just a new
> on it? Thank a lot!!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jean Masson <Jean.Masson@l... >
> To: cores@o...
> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 14:40:29 +0200
> Subject: [oc] 8051 VHDL models search
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I search VHDL models (structural if possible) of the 8051
> > microcontroller
> > family. I have found an entry in your server on this topic, but
> > with
> > nothing inside.
> > I have downloaded the files of Dalton Project (University of
> > California)
> > and
> > the VHDL comportemental model of Dr. Mayer. Did you know another
> > files ?
> >
> > This if for a students' project.
> >
> > Thank you for your help.
> >
> > Best regards.
> >
> > Dr. Jean MASSON
> >
> --
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