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RE: [oc] Floppy disk controller inside schematics wanted !

Hello Jean,

Along with being an OpenCores member, I am also a Field Engineer for All
American. We carry the Triscend line and I have extensive experience with
Triscend. I have see some info for IDE interfaces and I will check to see if
there are also FDD interface there. If you would send me your email, I would
be happy to work with you directly on this to see what we can find.



just remove the '_no_junk_mail' for my email.

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Masson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 7:56 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [oc] Floppy disk controller inside schematics wanted !


I am unable to purchase a simple, old fashion, floppy controller with only
28 pins. All known
producers have discontinued
this sort of product, wich remains useful for conservative developers.

I search informations on floppy controller's internal logic structure, with
goal to implement, in
VHDL, this interface in
Triscend E5 chip's logic cells. I have found, in National Semiconductor's
WEB site, two interesting
Ap. Notes
on this subject. This is the separation of data and clock input serial read
flow, for 1.4 MB
and coding ouput data stream subsystem, that is a black box for me.

Have anybody others informations, references of old books or WEB sites
links, on this archeological
electronic subject ?

Thanks for your help and best regards.


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