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RE: [oc] Floppy disk controller inside schematics wanted !
if you post the web address for the FDC details you get then anybody who
wishes to help out can look at them. That way you may get some of the best
VHDL brains around help you with your problem. Isn't that why opencores is
here? So we can help each other out?
Paul McFeeters
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
Behalf Of Jean Masson
Sent: 07 December 2001 12:30
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [oc] Floppy disk controller inside schematics wanted !
Hello Rob,
Thank you for your help. I have found some informations of inside of floppy
controller, in 2
notes of National Semiconductors and a data sheet from Intel. This is mainly
block diagrams, but
they are
helpful for understanding process and for comportemental VHDL synthesis.
With more detailed
one could hope to do structural or data flow architectures. The ideal should
be finding of a
lecture book
with 'theory' of FDC and inside schematics.
Basicaly, FDC is a serial-parallel-serial unit. Building blocks for
serial-parallel and reverse are
given by Triscend
dev pack. Problem remains with stuffs like data separator and clock
extraction, wich are not
trivial things.
This is a shame that simple FDC are discontinued by industry. Combi chips
are too complex to
implement with
a 8051 core, wich need only one floppy interface. Worst, they are SMD
components, wich is
problematic for
institutions without industrial soldering equipment. I think not to be the
only guy in universe in
search of an answer
for lack of simple FDC chips available.
I use a Triscend E5 CSoC card produced by Xess, an interesting and
proteiform concept. Principle of
interfaces for a microcontroller is one of the few good ideas of last years.
My e-mail adress is :
[email protected]
Best regards,
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