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Re: [oc] VHDL help.
The first function looks like it takes an input signal, and converts its
value either to a low voltage, high voltage, or if the signal is not one
of those, the output is a high impeadance, which means that its neither,
its hard for me to fully describe what a high-Z value means, without seing
how this fits in with anything else.
As for the second function, I don't have any idea, sorry.
On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, [iso-8859-1] Kausar Ahmed R wrote:
> Hello, Can anyone please tell me in detail ( & in simple terms ) what exactly the following VHDL functions do ?Also, are they supported
for synthesis, especially in Xilinx Foundation-F3.1i tool ?Thanks in advance. Kausar. [ [email protected] ]
[1] FUNCTION to_high_imped(arg : bvec) RETURN bvec IS
> VARIABLE result : bvec;
> FOR k in arg'RANGE LOOP
> CASE arg(k) IS
> WHEN '0' => result(k) := 'L';
> WHEN '1' => result(k) := 'H';
> WHEN 'L' => result(k) := 'L';
> WHEN 'H' => result(k) := 'H';
> WHEN OTHERS => result(k) := 'Z';
> RETURN(result);
> END FUNCTION to_high_imped;---------------------------------------------------------------
And the [2] FUNCTION To_X01 ( s : std_logic_vector ) RETURN std_logic_vector ; ( ieee, std_logic_1164 )
> ---------------------------------
> ---------------------------------
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