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[oc] Re: Merlin Hybrid System

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 11:17:34AM -0600, Jim Dempsey wrote:
> You are starting to hit the nail on the head. JIT compilation is the
> core of the process.  Wherein the "source code" is the x86 binary
> code. JIT can derrive an understanding of the code by examination. It
> doesn't have to be told.

It "understands" what operations the code is performing, not what task
it is supposed to accomplish.

A JIT compiler and an optimizing assembler (your TECO-8) only need to
read the stream of operations and produce an equivalent stream of
operations in another language or which executing faster, respectively.

Turning a single thread of operation into multiple threads is creating
new operations that stilli (on a high level) do the same task.

> This is not unlike an experienced parallelizing programmer taking
> someone's code that they know nothing of and parallizing it. If a
> programmer can do it a program can do it.

Really?  Last time I checked we didn't have AIs yet.  If a program can
do it, why do companies still employ programmers?

> The simplest of the examples I can use for illustration is at the point of
> seperation
> of a single execuition stream into a multiple execution stream. Assume the
> instruction
> sequence
>     bla
>     bla
>     bla
>     blink
>     bla
>     bla
>     bla
> Assume at point blink an interrupt occures.
>     bla
>     bla
>     bla
>     blink------------->
>             blankity
>             blankity
>             blank
>     <----------------
>     bla
>     bla
>     bla
>  Depending on the circumstances of the interrupt one processing
> "strand" could continue execuition of the bla's during the interrupt.
> The process I've developed would permit this to occure to some
> degree.

So, what return address is saved in the exception frame created on the
stack?  What are the contents of the registers upon entry of the
interrupt handler?  What happens when a scheduler runs in the interrupt
and replaces the return address in the frame?

What happens to code that rightfully expects no user mode code running
while in interrupt mode?

Andreas Bombe <[email protected]>    DSA key 0x04880A44
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