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RE: [oc] Processor Instruction reply for Andreas

This seems to be the difference between RISC and CISC machines.  RISC has
fewer and simpler instructions but can execute them quicker, shorter cycle
times.  CISC has more and complex instructions but takes longer to execute
them, longer cycle times.

Just a thought

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul McFeeters [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 10:32 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [oc] Processor Instruction reply for Andreas


> > Old Way:
> >
> > 	CMP AX,$2000
> > 	JC  #4000
> >
> > Two instructions to do that? Why use two clock cycles for that? Can't we
> > just have a CMPJxx instruction? Takes two values/register combinations
> > based upon the results of the comparisons jumps to the destination or

> There are two things to be done.  A subtraction and a conditional jump.
> Just because you put them in the same instruction doesn't make them in
> one cycle.  If they do execute in one cycle, I guess the cycles on that
> machine are generally longer.

Wrong. I tested it out and it makes simple sense. When a compare is done
the HDL copies the value of '1' into the relevant flag. As any HDL
will tell you copying a 32bit value versus 1 bit doesn't take a ps longer so
my way is quicker.

> > This might also eliminate quite a few status bits which may make the ILP
> > much easier?

> So you'd always need an extra compare instead of just using the status
> bits set by previous arithmetic.  Overall a slower architecture, I
> assume.

I don't remember any language except assembler doing a IF...THEN statement
like they do. If you write it out in as a high level language it looks
really silly doesn't it?

SF is Status Flag
Value1 and Value2 can obviously be immediate values, registers or memory

SF = IF Value1 < Value2
	PC = JumpPC ;

I have never seen (or personally written) an assembler program that waits
to test the bits set from a 'much' previous compare operation. As any
could (conceivably) alter the status flags the rule in assembler programming
is test and act. No delay = no chance for problems to creep in. I only
worked as a professional x86 assembly programmer for 2 years so maybe people
on this list with more experience may have their own preferences/ideas.
the days when people didn't have a SWAP instruction? They would do something
like the following

MOV Reg1 	 to SpareReg
MOV Reg2 	 to Reg1
MOV SpareReg to Reg2

3 cycles whereas now we only take one for it. My point is more intelligent
instructions (even on RISC processors) will enable more work to be performed
in the same cycle count. It may even reduce the gate count required.
this would be much easier with larger instructions vs. more instructions
like 64bit. Okay another example to see if it helps.

You have a value of 10 in register A, you want to add 5 to it and store the
in register B, how many CPU cycles does it take?

Currently 2 but in mine only one as my MOV instructions can also modify the
in various ways before it arrives at its destination.

MOV+, A, 5, B

My new commands are all designed to still execute in exactly the same clock
as there wouldn't be any point in developing an instruction to replace 2
and then taking twice as long now would there?

Hope this helps your understanding of my point

If any people with on this list with actual experience of developing CPU
cores wants
to correct me on any points here then feel free. Whilst I count my HDL time
in days
I am always eager to learn more.


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