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RE: [oc] Handel-C replacement, name is done now for the coding.
--- Paul McFeeters <[email protected]>
> <snip bit about CPU+Linux Kernel on chip>
I am interested in this idea but I have not followed
this thread, how do you plan to work on it? Can I join
your work in my free time.
Few years ago I studied handel-C but I have not used
There are some tools based on Java to implement
hardware such as JHDL, JBits, Leap, Forge and some
other tools I do not remember now.
In fact I made some research on this topic before I
join OpenCores but I stopped because I did not find
any one to work with me.
Anyhow, did you think about the run time
reconfigurable hardware, I think this is the key to
such project because you will not see teh difference
between software and hardware. But trust me the whole
idea is good but needs lot of work so if you are
willing to work on it for long time I'd like to join
Jamil Khatib
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