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Re: [oc] Re: Merlin Hybrid System

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andreas Bombe" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 8:29 PM
Subject: [oc] Re: Merlin Hybrid System

> There is _one_ logical IP and it advances inst by inst, only redirected
> by branches.  Everything before the IP is done and commited.  That is
> what the OS sees.

That is SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) but what is to say that
you cannot violate the above statement (assuming you are smart enough
to do so).

> But the CPU has just one running:  The operating system.  The OS in turn
> runs programs, but that is just an abstract concept and not visible to
> the CPU.

Correct. Please observe your statesmen
    "an abstract concept and not visible to the CPU"
If it is not visible to the CPU then (portions of) it can run independent
of the CPU. Specifically because of this invisibility. I belive I have
discovered a way of doing this.

Jim Dempsey

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