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Re: [oc] C to HDL? Didn't realise the situation was that bad

> > On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 [email protected] wrote:
> > > I've never really understood why HDLs
> > > (VHDL, Verilog, SystemC, ...) get treated
> > > as 'special' languages.  They have their own
> > > simulators, generators, synthesisers and
> > > so on.

On aspect that others haven't mentioned yet is that C (and most other 
programming languages) were designed as an abstraction of a Von Neumann 
computer. That means we are assuming a single thread of control.

Hardware is rarely like that - you typically have many things going on 
in parallel. A language like Occam (mostly used to program Inmos 
Transputers, but it was also available on the PC) would make a much 
better HDL.

-- Jecel
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