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Re: [oc] C++ to HDLs? Thats fine for breakfast now give me a challenge for lunchtime
* Jim Dempsey <[email protected]> [20011217 18:49]:
> void bitAdder(
> IN BOOL inputA,
> IN BOOL inputB,
> IN BOOL inputCarry,
> OUT BOOL outputX,
> OUT BOOL outputCarry)
> {
> outputX = inputA ^ inputB ^ inputCarry;
> outputCarry = (inputA & inputB) | ((inputA | inputB) & inputCarry);
> }
What is the advantage of this over just using a HDL?
David I. Lehn <[email protected]> | http://www.lehn.org/~dlehn/
Computer Engineering Graduate @ Virginia Tech in sunny Blacksburg, VA
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