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[oc] =?Windows-1252?Q?RE:_=5Boc=5D_=A6^=ABH=A1G_=5Boc=5D_Happy_days_ahead_for_?==?Windows-1252?Q?flash?=
But it still loses on price. Hard disks are just metal platters with a magnetic coating on them.
Heck of a lot cheaper to produce than memories still. Maybe when the 'organic memories' can be
grown on demand instead of being manufactured we will replace hard disks with solid state memories.
The only downside I see is that I expect the MS operating system then to demand a Terabyte of
hard disk space and at least 64Gigabytes of memory so should be about 10 years by current trends!
Merry Christmas from
PS And yes it will run slower than our current O/Ss, they can't seem to buck the trend. Poor souls.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of [email protected]
> Sent: 21 December 2001 07:24
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: [oc] �^�H�G [oc] Happy days ahead for flash
> Any one think that the flash will replace hard disk?
> Isn't it possible?
> Flash wins a lot of advantage. Power, area .... and growth fast.
> How cool does this sound?
> Hitachi fashions multibit cell for 1-Gbit flash chip
> December 12, 2001 Source: http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG20011207S0111
> TOKYO �X Hitachi Ltd. has developed a flash memory cell that overcomes the slow write speeds of other cells able to store
> multiple
> bits. The company said it will apply the technology to create 1-Gbit flash chips and a 1-Gbyte card with a 10-Mbyte per
> second
> writing speed that it will bring to market within a year
> Paul
> --
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