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RE: [oc] Re: How to create such signal wave using VHDL?

That is called a Verilog simulator written in C
with a canned verilog program inside it.
Honestly, you would have to write all of the
event handling, 4 state logic rules, and the
list goes on.
It would be like building a verilog simulator
to run a single Verilog program.

<Shameless Plug for GPL Icarus>
A much easier way is to use Icarus verilog
simulator. (Free as in GPL free.) It can
write target code that joins with C and can run
natively.  That would be your most
productive avenue. Plus you would be involved
in a truly worthwhile project.

I wrote the SXP processor in Verilog using
Icarus and it runs great. I also simulated the
processor in Verilog-XL to make sure that Icarus
and Verilog-XL agreed on simulation.

It also can synthesize to Xilinx parts and several other

Check it out at


Try to use the latest Dev release as it blows away the
official 0.5 release.
It is updated almost twice a month with big improvements.

Used with GTKWAVE, it really feels comfortable.

You can write code that is completely portable to your
work related verilog projects.

</Shameless Icarus plug>

 Sam Gladstone

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
Behalf Of Paul McFeeters
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 10:33 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: [oc] Re: How to create such signal wave using VHDL?

Verilog to C translator? Na it will never catch on! lol
Too much eggnog?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On
> Behalf Of Marko Mlinar
> Sent: 21 December 2001 12:06
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: [oc] Re: How to create such signal wave using VHDL?
> > Marko,
> >
> > find a opencore for Ethernet, implement it and then use the TCPsocket
> implementation
> > off a copy of Linux and translate the C into Verilog (or VHDL if you are
> brave).
> > Not bad for 10seconds of thinking egh? Anything I missed?
> Don't want to argue - but of course:
> - first you have to use Igor's Ethernet, which shouldn't be a problem
> - you have to make wishbone interface in VERILOG
> - supposingly your C to Verilog tool works (if you have 10k$ to buy it)
> still
> have to:
> - obtain TCP/IP stack from e.g. Linux
> - change the behaviour of TCP/IP from SW behaviour to more like HW one,
> which is IMHO
>   not an easy task and change programming interface. I suppose you don't
> have malloc
>   or files supported with translator.
> - obtain (= buy) sythesis software
> - meet timing constraints, maybe not so simple
> - buy a couple of big FPGAs to fit the whole design, because the Verilog
> C translator yields
>   big code...
> IMHO this is at least 2my of hard work...
> Marko
> --
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