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Re: [oc] SHA-1
Hi Aria,
You may probably check this simulator:
It's quite fast and simple and the command-line simulator is free.
To create a simulation environment, you may create a script (e.g. in
Perl or Tcl) that runs both VHDL simulator and your c program. The
script should also verify if both results confirm each other.
--- I Made Aria Bagus P <[email protected]> wrote:
> hi, everyone
> i am looking for a VHDL program which operates as a simulator for
> my VHDL
> program of SHA-1. it aims to verify the result of my VHDL program
> with the
> one of the C language program for the same input that is set to be
> 24 bits
> long. where do i have to find it? can i possibly get it in this
> opencores?
> thanks for your attention
> =========================================================
> Aria
> Laboratorium of VLSI
> Electronic Department of Bandung Institute of Technology
> =========================================================
> --
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