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Re: [oc] Altera.
Yes, Altera is in the process of releasing Quartus II for Linux. They
specifically state that they support Redhat 6.2. I have a beta copy
installed on my RH7.2 system, however I am still waiting on the license
file from Altera so I can actually compile a design with it. I can
invoke the program and setup projects, etc, but just can't compile
without the license. From what I understand, it will be fully released
in a very short time.
On Tue, 2002-02-05 at 11:55, Juan Jos� "Peco" San Mart�n wrote:
Hello all.
I saw that Altera plans to port the Quartus II software to Linux
Anybody has test it?, and any other synthesis tool on Linux?
Juan Jos� "Peco" San Mart�n
Microb�tica, S.L
Mail: [email protected]
Web: www.microbotica.es
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