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[oc] Risc5x update
well spotted, I misread the data sheet there !
I've uploaded rel 1.1 and more extensive test code.
Damjan, do you have an idiots guide to uploading a new project to CVS?
I would like to get the core under source control.
Thanks a lot,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Igor Sokolov" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 2:23 PM
Subject: Risc5x
> Hi, Mike!
> Question is so:
> -- *********** REGISTER FILE Addressing ****************
> p_addr_dec_comb : process(inst_fsel,status,fsr)
> begin
> if (inst_fsel = ("00" & INDF_ADDR)) then
> fileaddr_indirect <= '1';
> else
> fileaddr_indirect <= '0';
> end if;
> fileaddr_mux1 <= fsr(6 downto 0);
> (***) fileaddr_mux0 <= (status(6 downto 5) & inst_fsel);
> end process;
> on line(***) shoud fileaddr_mux0 <= (status(6 downto 5) & inst_fsel)
> or fileaddr_mux0 <= (FSR(6 downto 5) & inst_fsel)???
> Thanks,Igor
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