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Re: [oc] Bluetooth Core

Sorry for the delay. I am still in vacation, I'll be
back soon.
Anyhow you are welcome to join the bluetooth core
Please let me know what you like to do?
There is no code yet, you can start coding some
internal blocks (but let me know first).
You have to read the bluetooth core spec, and if you
want I can send you a draft of the new one.
Let me know if you have any comment on the spec.

I am currently working on the main controller design
using microsequencer.

Jamil Khatib

--- Shehryar Shaheen <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello All,
>               Can anyone tell the curent status of
> the Bluetooth Core ?
> I Posted the same on the Bluetooth mailing list, but
> the Bluetooth mailing
> list seems to be "dead".
> I hope the project is not, if there is work to be
> done I would also like to
> contribute.
> Many Thanks
> Shehryar Shaheen
> PEI Technologies
> University of Limerick
> Ireland
> --
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