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Re: [oc] re: query regarding Xilinx PAR

   You can write a script to find out the delay b/w
all flops. so where ever u are getting more delay than
a {clock cycle - setup time of target flop} u can try
to implement multicycle paths for that path. If u are
using latches u can go latch time borrowing for that
paths if ur slack is {less than half clock cycle -
setup time of taget latch}.
  Best regards

--- "Stanford, David" <[email protected]>
> I use the Xilinx Foundation tools instead of the EDA
> tool so the answer may
> be different. 
> However, I typically route my designs a time or two
> without timing
> constraints before
> adding in the constraints (besides clocks). It's
> always frustrating to do a
> long place
> and route and then find out that something failed to
> meet the timing
> constraints that you
> had designated. It's also not easy (for me) to find
> multi-cycle paths or
> false paths 
> that need to be designated in the constraints file. 
> My educated guess is that you'd use that option when
> you wanted to get a
> successful route, 
> or you didn't want your timing constraints, which
> may be too tough to meet,
> to hold up a 
> route. 
> David Stanford
> Design Engineer
> Northrop Grumman
> Rolling Meadows, IL
>  [email protected]	 cores-digest V1 #497
> From: [email protected]
> Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 09:42:48 +0530
> Subject: [oc] A Query Regarding Xilinx PAR
>      Hello Everyone..I am working on EDA development
> and am interested to 
>      know WHEN DOES a designer(user of the Xilinx
> FPGA EDA tool) ,use the 
>      "ignore timing constraints" option in the
> xilinx design flow.I want to 
>      know why and when would he use this option in
> the design tool,inspite 
>      of him specifying timing constraints..I would
> be happy if i could get 
>      a broad spectrum of answers from all the
> designers out there so that i 
>      could understand this issue better..
>      Best Regards 
>      Harshit Suri
> --
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