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Re: [oc] TFrom [email protected] Mon Feb 25 07:08:36 2002Re: [oc] Open Source PCI Bridge Soft Core (fwd)

I think it may have been an innocent mistake,
which should not be repeated.

It should be an explicit policy that people
with access to the membership list of opencores
do not send bulk mail directly to list members.
Rather, any communication is to be via mail to the
list server.  This policy should be stated, when
access to the membership list is granted.

The 'tell a colleague' tone of the letter
was probably a bit over the top as well.
Stick to the facts and drop the marketing

But let's give credit where credit is due.
Tadej has completed the Opencores PCI core.
Congratulations and thanks.  Understandably
he is proud of his achievement.  In his
excitement he has been a little over enthusiastic
in letting people know about it.

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