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Re: [oc] FREE simulation models and synthesis models for RAM and ROM


I tested your online memory generator. It looks ok and the fact that you provide this feature for free is certainly nice and beneficial.

I do have a few comments though. I hope you do not take this as an offence, since it is only meant well.

1) The datasheet is complete, though it would look much more professional if you could generate a PDF version. Like the VirtualSilicon and Artisan memory generators do.
2) I tried to generate a Verilog HDL version, which is not available (yet).
Maybe you could state this on the website, so that users don't have to wait for the email to find their requested design file empty.
3) I think there's a small error in you timing deration file;
you use the term:
d(T) = 1 + Kt1 * (T - 25.0) + Kt2 * (V - 25.0)^2
whereas I think it should be:
d(T) = 1 + Kt1 * (T - 25.0) + Kt2 * (T - 25.0)^2
4) You only state the typical timing parameter. It would be nice if you could also state the worst-case parameter. I know everybody can calculate them, but just having them around is much more convenient.

Thanks again for providing this free solution,

Richard Herveille
[email protected]


We are a Silicon IP provider and among the products we design are embedded memories. To simplify design-in, memory evaluation... we now propose FREE and on-line generation of Front-End views for RAM and ROM in various processes..

Front-end views which can be generated (VHDL or Verilog-HDL simulation model, Synopsys model...) can be used by designers to start their SoC/ASIC designs without requiring to enter in any heavy process (NDA...).

Direct link to the appropriated page on our web site:

We think that this could be an interesting opportunity for your readers to get access these FREE solutions and would be please to cooperate with you to inform them about this capability and to post a link on your web site.

Please let me know about your interest.

Best regards,

Frederic Renoux
FLIP Marketing and Sales

DOLPHIN Integration
"The Enabler of mixed signal Systems-on-Chip"
F-38242 Meylan FRANCE
direct phone: 33 (0) 476 41 74 09
fax:          33 (0) 476 90 29 65
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