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Re: [oc] SHA-1
Dear Aria,
Perhaps, this URL can answer all of your VHDL problems.
Dian Tresna Nugraha
--- I Made Aria Bagus P <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> continuing the latest e-mail of mine about VHDL program which is
> able to
> read and write a file (the file is created in the form of text), I
> seem to
> have a problem with the syntax below:
> "for UUT: [the name of the entity] use entity work.[the name of
> entity]
> (behavior); --Configuration specification"
> I dont understand what the above syntax means. Would that mean a
> behavioral form of the entity? Otherwise what does it really mean
> or
> refer to ?
> Please let me know about this! I really need the answer for
> accomplishing
> my final assignment.
> Best regards,
> Aria
> I Made Aria Bagus Pramana
> Electronics Sub Department of Electrical Engineering Department of
> Bandung Institute of Technology
> --
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