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Re: Re: [oc] How To get started ?
John Sheahan,
Where can I find the cores with a lot of testbench?
I have downloaded a 8051 core of VHDL ,but i can find
its testbench.Can you help me? Or can you tell me where
can i find other cores with lots of testbnech!
I'm a beginer.Thank you very much!
Best regards
Jinni Wen
======= 2002-02-22 �������������=======
>my recommendation would be to choose a core with a
>bit of a testbench, get a simulator, and simulate and
>understand the core.
>enhance the testbench, add more self checking
>then modify the core + tb together to add more
>then consider putting it into a fpga.
>choose something here that is interesting and
>reasonably obvservable without too much specialist
>test equipment.
>you are interested in the core, not the items
>exercising it.
>Xilinx and altera both have reasonable synthesis
>environments freely available at the lower end.
>I've been playing with icarus verilog on linux,
>its not as fast and the syntax error reporting
>messages are not as good as verilogxl - say,
>but its 100 cheaper.
>On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 12:09:07AM -0800, Matts Kivik wrote:
>> I am interested in getting started with opencores, and think the first step would be to get one of the available cores up and running on an FPGA and test it out.
>> What is required, should I start with the micro fpga board ?
>> What kind of PC software is needed, is it available for free ?
>> Perhaps someone would like to write a getting-started-HOWTO ?
>> I am an electronics master engineer, with hardware knowledge, but no experience of FPGAs and IP cores.
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